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Daybreak Speakers

Speaker Guidelines

Meeting Location:

Currently we do a hybrid meeting of Google Meet and physically at Crossing 2nd (2nd Street between Dewey and Osage).   We keep our Facebook page up-to-date on meeting information for each week.

Meeting Time:

Fridays, 7:00 am

Bartlesville Daybreak Rotary Club has approximately 55 members. You will be speaking to the top business professionals and civic leaders of Bartlesville. Please make note of the following speaker and presentation guidelines.

  1. Send a summary of your biography/resume and a paragraph about the subject of your presentation as soon as your date has been booked so that we may promote your speaking engagement on our Facebook page.
  2. We can accommodate DVDs and PowerPoint. You can either get your slide deck to your club contact the Thursday before your presentation, or bring your own PC or flash drive on the morning of your presentation. If you choose the latter please be present by 6:45.  THE VERY BEST is to provide in advance to .
  3. On your speaking day, please arrive no later than 6:50 am.  The meeting begins at 7:00 am, with an invocation, song, pledge and announcements. You will be introduced by the President or your contact for the meeting. Please keep your talk to 20 minutes or less. The meeting ends promptly at 7:50. Please wrap up and allow any Q&A time accordingly.

Podium Notes for Speaker

Our goal is to turn the podium over to you by 7:20 am.

Turn the podium back to the Club President by 7:50am for closing. The meeting adjourns at 7:50am.

The Bartlesville Daybreak Rotary Club makes a concerted, ongoing effort to be a diverse and inclusive organization. We ask that you convey your remarks without bias toward race, gender, religion, political party, ethnicity or sexual orientation. Feel free to use humor in your remarks, but do so with caution and good taste.

Refrain from taking political positions, making sales pitches or soliciting funds.

We value the time and commitment that you have made to our meeting today.

Bartlesville Daybreak Rotary Club - Policies and Practices

  1. It is the policy of the Club to refrain from programs of a political nature. We serve as a neutral forum for occasional debates of political issues.
  2. Speakers are asked to refrain from “sales pitches” and distribution of printed matter about their product or point of view.
  3. The Rotary Constitution provides that Rotary Clubs shall not express an opinion on any pending controversial public measure. As mentioned above, we often serve as a forum for informative debates on pending legislation or controversial political issues. However, we do not take sides, and we do not support particular political points of view. As a caution, this rule becomes difficult to follow when school bond issues and other local tax matters come up for vote and the Club is pressured through its own members to make announcements urging members to vote for or against a particular issue. We limit such matters to announcing the date of a particular election and urging members to vote, while refraining from urging a particular point of view in the election.
  4. Campaigning:
    Rotary is a politically neutral organization. No candidate for public office shall be, knowingly, invited as a guest speaker within one year prior to his or her election date, except for a debate or forum to which the other leading candidates are invited. One allowable exception would be for an incumbent to present a non-political program on the current state of their office. All members seeking a political office should refrain from campaigning for office while attending a Rotary meeting. Guests of Rotary members, desiring to hold public office, should be cautioned against campaigning while attending a Rotary meeting.
  5. Solicitations:
    The Bartlesville Daybreak Rotary Club has a standing policy that no outside group(s) is allowed to make announcements or solicitations of any type at a regular meeting, unless specifically approved by the Board. This includes handouts, items put out on tables, display items in the foyer or outside the entrance, and personal solicitations or announcements from the podium.

The Board recognizes that in some instances our invited speaker may, in an indirect manner, be promoting his or her organization’s services or products during the normal presentation of the topic. However, speakers will not be allowed to make direct solicitations for funds or products sales.